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    New Mexico Birth Injury Lawyers

    When doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals fail to uphold their duty to meet the standard of care, babies and mothers can suffer the consequences. We believe in seeking justice for families who are coping with life after a birth injury. We’re passionate about helping children get the lifelong care they deserve so they can have the happiest, healthiest futures possible.

    Birth Injury Cases

    In the context of personal injury law, birth injuries occur during labor, delivery, or shortly after childbirth. If mothers or babies suffer injuries during the labor and delivery process, their right to pursue legal action depends on proving that their injuries could and should have been prevented by hospital staff. A failure to meet the accepted standard of care is negligence and grounds for a personal injury lawsuit. 

    Determining Liability

    Medical providers can be held legally responsible for birth injuries caused by negligence. Proving that negligence occurred, however, can be a challenge. Not every situation involving a birth injury means negligence was involved. Doctors are only obligated to act in a manner that other reasonably skilled medical practitioners would have acted under similar circumstances.

    Since birth injury cases involve highly technical medical and legal concepts, determining liability requires thorough investigation. We work with expert witnesses to define the standard of care in a given situation, determine whether a doctor failed to meet standards, and explain how different steps taken by other healthcare providers would have avoided injuries and damages suffered by the victims.

    Birth Injury Attorneys

    After a baby sustains a birth injury, parents may find themselves confused about where to turn. Hospitals are well-practiced in the art of shutting down claims of medical malpractice. If you believe your child has suffered a birth injury, it’s important to contact a qualified lawyer to guide you through the process of filing a lawsuit.

    Hiring a New Mexico birth injury lawyer helps level the playing field. We’ll work as your advocates, ensuring your family’s best interests are always prioritized. We know how to stand up to hospitals and insurance companies and hold them accountable for medical mistakes and malpractice. Time is of the essence, though, so don’t wait to contact our team for assistance.

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