Infant Twins Lives Jeopardized by Negligence
Infant Twins Lives Jeopardized by Negligence
Patients expect to turn to their doctors in moments of crisis and be able to trust their recommendations. When they fail to deliver on this innate trust, the doctor may be held responsible for the damage done. This is never more important than for new parents whose children’s lives are threatened by negligent doctors.
A couple won a lawsuit against a hospital they say are responsible for the death of one child and the injuries of another. The expectant mother experienced cramping and spotting about halfway through her pregnancy. When she visited the hospital with concerns, doctors dismissed her concerns and sent her back home.
When she returned with heavier bleeding that evening, another doctor echoed the earlier doctor’s recommendation to return home. Ten days later, the expectant mother attended a routine ultrasound appointment to find that one of her twins’ heads was crowning. Though doctors were able to put off the birth of the babies for another ten days, the woman was put through the emotional trauma of being moved to the post-delivery ward even before she had given birth.
When the baby girls were born, each weighed less than 2 pounds. The mother held one twin just a single time before she succumbed to an infection. The other twin survived, but is deaf, mute and suffers from kidney failure.
A Small Justice for the Family
The parents sued the hospital for $13.5 million, claiming the hospital was negligent. A jury deliberated for eight hours before deciding to nearly double the amount, awarding the couple $26 million. Before the decision was handed down, though, the couple agreed to a high/low agreement with the hospital. If they won the suit, the couple would accept a maximum of $7.5 million. If they lost, the hospital agreed to pay $1.5 million.
This is indeed a win for the family, but there is no doubt that the couple sees this as small comfort when considering the loss of their daughter.
Birth Injury Lawyers
If you believe your child’s birth injury was caused by a medical mistake, contact our attorneys to discuss your situation. You do not owe us any legal fees unless we settle or win your case. Contact us for a free consultation to discuss your options 877-544-5323.